What I read in 2008
- Sacred Games By Viikram Chandra
- Bandicoots in moonlight by Avijit Ghosh
- The Girl with Dragon Tatoo by Steig Larsson
- Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Egonomics by David Marcum and Steven Smith
- The Cult of Amateurs by Andrew Keen
- A Perfect Mess by David Freedman
- Super Crunchers by Ian Ayres
- Wikinomics by Tapscott and Wiliams
- How to change the world by David Bornstein
- Stick to drawing comics, monkey brain! by Scot Adams
- Getting things done by David Allen
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- The Stuff of Thoughts by Steven Pinker
- Madness and Civilization by Foucault
Half Read / Unfinished Books
- Imagining India by Nandan Nilekani
- The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner
- Hot Flat and Crowded by T. Friedman
- Dreaming of Jupiter by Ted Simon (Thanks Srey for the gift.)
- India: The Emerging Giant by Arvind Panagariya
- Phantoms in the brain by Blakeslee and Ramachandran
- Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Tribe by Bruce Parry
Surely I could not read a lot of fiction this year and spent a lot of time on non-fiction/ pop-economics. Though I wanted to read some good fiction titles. I bought many books last year and I think I need to speed up my reading to consume them this year.