First of all my delayed new year wishes to all who visited the blog, commented, mailed me and  inspired me to keep on blogging. Wishing you all Happy New Year.

Though I am not a staunch believer in numerology, astrology or such other sciences, but some incident have tempted me to believe somethings. So numerologically me being a number 9 person, this year 2+0+0+7 = 9 , is a very significant year for me.

Anyway, even you take out the numerological factor, this is going to be crucial and eventful year.

  1. Probably this is going to be the last year of my golden bachelorhood. Even thought of losing this makes me feel uneasy.

  2. This year will decide, where I am heading to in my professional life. Professionally the most crucial year of my life. This year will decide whether I am going to be somebody or nobody.

3.  After 4 years, I would be visiting my native village this year, It would be a nice experience to spend some time where I was born. I still have very fond memories of the school which I attended for 5-6 months. The school which had no desk, no benches and no proper place to study in the rainy season. The teachers who wielded stick better than pen.

  1. Some friends are bound to be lost in this concrete jungle, riding on the unruly behemoth of personal ambitions and professional compulsions (or professional ambitions and personal compulsions), probably scraps on Orkut would be the only thing to remind us of golden days. It has already started with everyone stepping into professional life.

  2. In all probability, after using Windows XP for so long, I am going to chuck this out and try new Vista or Mac OS X.

  3. By the end of the year, I would no longer be able to flaunt my back kick or side kick. No desire to practice and no need to show off.

7.  Karmic balance is going to be tilted negatively as I am bound to gather loads of bad karma.

  1. The list of unfinished poems and stories would increase this year, as I am assuming that this year the weekends would be at my disposal.